📚 [Jekyll]rouge에서 지원되는 언어
Category: Jekyll | 📅 December 23, 2019
문장 제일 뒤에 alias 부분을 참고해서 사용하면 됨.
actionscript: ActionScript [aliases: as,as3]
apache: configuration files for Apache web server
apiblueprint: Markdown based API description language. [aliases: apiblueprint,apib]
applescript: The AppleScript scripting language by Apple Inc. (http://developer.apple.com/applescript/)
biml: BIML, Business Intelligence Markup Language
c: The C programming language
ceylon: Say more, more clearly.
cfscript: CFScript, the CFML scripting language [aliases: cfc]
clojure: The Clojure programming language (clojure.org) [aliases: clj,cljs]
cmake: The cross-platform, open-source build system
coffeescript: The Coffeescript programming language (coffeescript.org) [aliases: coffee,coffee-script]
common_lisp: The Common Lisp variant of Lisp (common-lisp.net) [aliases: cl,common-lisp,elisp,emacs-lisp]
conf: A generic lexer for configuration files [aliases: config,configuration]
coq: Coq (coq.inria.fr)
cpp: The C++ programming language [aliases: c++]
csharp: a multi-paradigm language targeting .NET [aliases: c#,cs]
css: Cascading Style Sheets, used to style web pages
d: The D programming language(dlang.org) [aliases: dlang]
dart: The Dart programming language (dartlang.com)
diff: Lexes unified diffs or patches [aliases: patch,udiff]
eiffel: Eiffel programming language
elixir: Elixir language (elixir-lang.org) [aliases: elixir,exs]
erb: Embedded ruby template files [aliases: eruby,rhtml]
erlang: The Erlang programming language (erlang.org) [aliases: erl]
factor: Factor, the practical stack language (factorcode.org)
fortran: Fortran 95 Programming Language
gherkin: A business-readable spec DSL ( github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin ) [aliases: cucumber,behat]
glsl: The GLSL shader language
go: The Go programming language (http://golang.org) [aliases: go,golang]
gradle: A powerful build system for the JVM
groovy: The Groovy programming language (http://www.groovy-lang.org/)
haml: The Haml templating system for Ruby (haml.info) [aliases: HAML]
handlebars: the Handlebars and Mustache templating languages [aliases: hbs,mustache]
haskell: The Haskell programming language (haskell.org) [aliases: hs]
html: HTML, the markup language of the web
http: http requests and responses
ini: the INI configuration format
io: The IO programming language (http://iolanguage.com)
java: The Java programming language (java.com)
javascript: JavaScript, the browser scripting language [aliases: js]
jinja: Django/Jinja template engine (jinja.pocoo.org) [aliases: django]
json: JavaScript Object Notation (json.org)
json-doc: JavaScript Object Notation with extenstions for documentation
jsonnet: An elegant, formally-specified config language for JSON
julia: The Julia programming language [aliases: jl]
kotlin: Kotlin http://kotlinlang.org
liquid: Liquid is a templating engine for Ruby (liquidmarkup.org)
literate_coffeescript: Literate coffeescript [aliases: litcoffee]
literate_haskell: Literate haskell [aliases: lithaskell,lhaskell,lhs]
llvm: The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure (http://llvm.org/)
lua: Lua (http://www.lua.org)
make: Makefile syntax [aliases: makefile,mf,gnumake,bsdmake]
markdown: Markdown, a light-weight markup language for authors [aliases: md,mkd]
matlab: Matlab [aliases: m]
moonscript: Moonscript (http://www.moonscript.org) [aliases: moon]
nasm: Netwide Assembler
nginx: configuration files for the nginx web server (nginx.org)
nim: The Nim programming language (http://nim-lang.org/) [aliases: nimrod]
objective_c: an extension of C commonly used to write Apple software [aliases: objc]
ocaml: Objective CAML (ocaml.org)
pascal: a procedural programming language commonly used as a teaching language.
perl: The Perl scripting language (perl.org) [aliases: pl]
php: The PHP scripting language (php.net) [aliases: php,php3,php4,php5]
plaintext: A boring lexer that doesn’t highlight anything [aliases: text]
powershell: powershell [aliases: posh]
praat: The Praat scripting language (praat.org)
prolog: The Prolog programming language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolog) [aliases: prolog]
properties: .properties config files for Java
protouf: Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data [aliases: proto]
puppet: The Puppet configuration management language (puppetlabs.org) [aliases: pp]
python: The Python programming language (python.org) [aliases: py]
qml: QML, a UI markup language [aliases: qml]
r: The R statistics language (r-project.org) [aliases: r,R,s,S]
racket: Racket is a Lisp descended from Scheme (racket-lang.org)
ruby: The Ruby programming language (ruby-lang.org) [aliases: rb]
rust: The Rust programming language (rust-lang.org) [aliases: rs]
sass: The Sass stylesheet language language (sass-lang.com)
scala: The Scala programming language (scala-lang.org) [aliases: scala]
scheme: The Scheme variant of Lisp
scss: SCSS stylesheets (sass-lang.com)
sed: sed, the ultimate stream editor
shell: Various shell languages, including sh and bash [aliases: bash,zsh,ksh,sh]
shell_session: A generic lexer for shell session and command line [aliases: terminal,console]
slim: The Slim template language
smalltalk: The Smalltalk programming language [aliases: st,squeak]
smarty: Smarty Template Engine [aliases: smarty]
sml: Standard ML [aliases: ml]
sql: Structured Query Language, for relational databases
swift: Multi paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple for iOS and OS X development.(developer.apple.comswift)
tap: Test Anything Protocol [aliases: tap]
tcl: The Tool Command Language (tcl.tk)
tex: The TeX typesetting system [aliases: TeX,LaTeX,latex]
toml: the TOML configuration format (https://github.com/mojombo/toml)
tulip: The tulip programming language http://github.com/jneen/tulip [aliases: tlp]
twig: Twig template engine (twig.sensiolabs.org)
typescript: TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript [aliases: ts]
vb: Visual Basic [aliases: visualbasic]
verilog: The System Verilog hardware description language
viml: VimL, the scripting language for the Vim editor (vim.org) [aliases: vim,vimscript,ex]
xml: XML
yaml: Yaml Ain’t Markup Language (yaml.org) [aliases: yml]